The Beauty of Insignificance
Infra Terra - The beauty of Insignificance is: A surprising unknown fact that has been disclosed. Gratification off the senses. A vestige. Reverberation after the original use stopped. Survived from an earlier time but now outmoded. An object made by a human being. A total absence of light existence. A relevant testimony. Changeable. Martial industrial. A combination of qualities that pleases the sight. Uncanny. Has been taken away. Attached to something larger. Link to value with a measure of something. Fascinating. Time travel. Wakening the dead, and finally, a quantity of energy proportional to its magnitude.
NOTE: Many images are inverted digital copies from a 5x4 b+w film plate, others made with a digital camera of 12MP and a smart phone . *Metal detecting with analog machines. **Film: Various and the least expensive.
All image © Vestiges - Please do not reproduce without permission.